Data analytics, machine learning, natural language processing, and vision

Our faculty and students produce robust research in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to help society solve its most vexxing challenges and help people make better decisions on the personal, national, and global scales. Much of this work is done through the Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics, which aspires to be a national leader in big data projects.
Bio ItemDebswapna Bhattacharya , bio
Associate professor
Bio ItemJin-Hee Cho , bio
Associate professor
Redirect ItemSanmay Das , redirect
Professor and associate director of artificial intelligence for social impact, Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Bio ItemHoda Eldardiry , bio
Associate professor
Bio ItemOnyeka Emebo , bio
Collegiate assistant professor
Bio ItemWu-chun Feng , bio
Bio ItemEdward Fox , bio
Bio ItemPeng Gao , bio
Assistant professor
Bio ItemLenwood S. Heath , bio
Bio ItemReza Jafari , bio
Collegiate associate professor
Bio ItemBo Ji , bio
Associate professor
Bio ItemMurat Kantarcioglu , bio
Professor and Faculty fellow, Commonwealth Cyber Initiative
Bio ItemAnuj Karpatne , bio
Associate professor
Bio ItemChang-Tien Lu , bio
Professor and Northern Virginia Center program director
Bio ItemRyan P. McMahan , bio
Professor and deputy director of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction
Bio ItemChris North , bio
Professor and associate director of the Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Bio ItemNaren Ramakrishnan , bio
Thomas L. Phillips Professor of Engineering and director of the Sanghani Center for Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Bio ItemChandan Reddy , bio
Bio ItemEugenia Rho , bio
Assistant professor
Bio ItemChris Thomas , bio
Assistant professor
Bio ItemTu Vu , bio
Assistant professor
Bio ItemXuan Wang , bio
Assistant professor
Bio ItemDawei Zhou , bio
Assistant professor