Software engineering

Our software engineers and researchers design and build innovative digital tools to address critical social and economic problems, improve communication, simplify tasks, and use and manage the world's growing stores of data.
Bio ItemOsman Balci , bio
Bio ItemChris Brown , bio
Assistant professor
Bio ItemBob Edmison , bio
Collegiate associate professor and online teaching and learning coordinator
Bio ItemStephen Edwards , bio
Professor and associate department head for undergraduate studies
Bio ItemOnyeka Emebo , bio
Collegiate assistant professor
Bio ItemPeng Gao , bio
Assistant professor
Bio ItemMuhammad Ali Gulzar , bio
Assistant professor
Bio ItemNa Meng , bio
Associate professor
Bio ItemMohammed Seyam , bio
Collegiate associate professor and experiential learning coordinator
Bio ItemEli Tilevich , bio
Professor and associate department head for graduate studies
Bio ItemDaphne Yao , bio
Professor, Elizabeth and James E. Turner Jr. '56 Faculty Fellow, and CACI Faculty Fellow