CS|Source Stakeholder Spotlight: RGI

Q: How does RGI interact with Virginia Tech students?
In addition to the career fairs, we usually send a representative to a couple panels for the different computer science classes - the Senior/Sophomore seminars and Professionalism in Computing.
We really enjoy this because it gives us a chance to give honest (and hopefully helpful) answers to student's questions. We always attend the networking or career fair prep events put on by the Department of Computer Science. These are usually lunches for scholarship winners, resume review, or more informal Q&A sessions with students. We like going so we can get to know students in a more relaxed environment.
Q: Has RGI been involved with any other events on campus for Virginia Tech students?
In the past, we sponsored a capstone project, and we are looking forward to sponsoring another one in the future. Corporate capstones can be a great way for students to interact with professionals in their field and solve real world problems.
Q: How many years has RGI been attending career fairs at Virginia Tech?
We have attended the career fairs since around 2014. For most of that time we have been premier members of the CSRC/CS|Source, and have attended the career fairs in the fall and spring semesters.
Q: What distinguishes Virginia Tech students as potential employees?
Virginia Tech students tend to be well rounded. They are strong in both theory and practice when it comes to their technical skills, and they have great soft skills (listening, communication, etc.).
We come back to the career fair each year because the interns, co-ops, and full time students we hire from Virginia Tech are strong developers and good fits for our company.
Q: How many Virginia Tech graduates currently work for RGI?
We currently have seven employees that graduated from Virginia Tech.