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Bo Begole

  • AMD Research
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Bo Begole is an inventor of machine learning, streaming media, and virtual and augmented reality technologies and applications, who builds and inspires cross-disciplinary teams to deliver technologies that open new business.

He has:

  • Led the corporate strategy and the research and development of augmented and virtual reality (AR / VR), 3D input technologies, digital assistants, computer vision (CV), machine learning (ML), recommender systems, 3D light field streaming, real-time groupware and more
  • More than 37 patents issue and dozens pending
  • More than 50 peer-reviewed research papers and dozens of press articles, including publications in Forbes, Huffington Post, and The Economist
  • Authored "Ubiquitous Computing for Business" (FT Press), business strategy for mobile AI and IoT
  • Been named an ACM Distinguished Scientist for pioneering research in human computer interaction (HCI) and machine learning to predict human behavior for context-aware computing
  • Served on advisory boards to Virginia Tech Department of Computer Science and the GVU Center at Georgia Tech.